Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team
Left to Right: Back Row; Cindy (Lent to us from the Moose Jaw team), Elva, Dallas, Joyce and husband Doug, Tannis, Martin (Husband of Sharon), Noah (Son of Tannis), and Gord(Husband of Ruth S.) Left to Right: Front Row; Ruth B., Lynnise, Mignon (Daughter of Dr. Antoinette), Dr. Antoinette, Sharon (Team Leader), Ruth S. and Jeanette.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Our Final Say.... from Haiti

Worth the price of admission to watch God work here and in my life.    Doug

Looking forward to returning home to “our home and native land”; a privilege to be Canadian – and especially looking forward to reconnecting with Dan and Benjamin.   Tannis

Haiti has taught me that we as Canadians are both blessed and cursed. The more we have, the more we want when we really only need so little to live a fulfilling life.   Dallas

Beniswa l’eternal! Praise the Lord! We have had a very profitable mission in Haiti. Thank you everyone for your prayer support, and for your blog comments – if you were able to get on. Bondye beni ou! God bless you!   Ruth Bartlett

That Starbucks Americano is going to taste so good!    Jeanette

Life is a learning experience. And I lived it in Haiti!    Noah

To God be the glory, great things He has done.   Ruth Stock

My last day I was stricken with a fever and viral infection – what a horrible way to end an amazing week of service, worship and ministry in Haiti. But the 9 days before made it all worthwhile!!   Gord

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Cindy

We are so blessed to live in a world class society. It was our pleasure to provide supplies, education and assistance to the Haitians who want to learn and provide for themselves.   Martin

What an honor to be the first team to work from the new medical clinic at Haiti ARISE! Thanks to the Cranbrook Community, Dr Bob Cutler and Hungry for Life International for making this possible.   Sharon

I am an ex-South African physician and have seen much in the past. One does not grow unless you stretch yourself by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Consider me stretched!  Dr Antoinette

A huge thanks to my 30 new family members. You guys are the best! (Our team, Moose Jaw team and Haiti Arise staff)      Mignon

I am leaving Haiti with a heart that is full to overflowing and an energy bank that is depleted! Thanks team for your servants hearts that made for an incredible adventure.  Elva

“YOLO”  You only live once – “live without regret” was once told to me by a palliative patient. I intend to do that! Haiti has shown me how to be so thankful for health, shelter and spirituality that it has filled me until my coffee cup runneth over. Caring and teaching from the heart!  Lynnise

Leaving the warm – going back to the cold … culture and temperature. Thanking God for an amazing experience.    Joyce

Our final photo shot of our team, Moose Jaw team, long term missionaries with Marc and Lisa Honorat

                  Thanks to all who read our blog and supported us in any way !!!

If you are interested in reading more about the last couple weeks ventures with both teams check out   written by one of the long term missionaries.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sharon for the energy and times of frustration that you endured to get this blog posted during the trip. We, on the other end of it, watched and heard so often.."Oh, what did I do"...or "where did it go" or "I know its gotta be here"! Thanks for your perseverence as the blog is a great memory for us all to share. Elva
