Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team
Left to Right: Back Row; Cindy (Lent to us from the Moose Jaw team), Elva, Dallas, Joyce and husband Doug, Tannis, Martin (Husband of Sharon), Noah (Son of Tannis), and Gord(Husband of Ruth S.) Left to Right: Front Row; Ruth B., Lynnise, Mignon (Daughter of Dr. Antoinette), Dr. Antoinette, Sharon (Team Leader), Ruth S. and Jeanette.

Sunday 11 March 2012

A full day on Sunday

Writing this at the end of the day and what a full day it has been. After church and lunch some went to the beach, other slept, read and just vegged. We had a time to shop in the Haiti Arise shop. Mark made reservations for 30 and we went out to the local restaurant for supper.
How many want pepsi?
The coke drinkers - 500 ml bottles

Choice of beef, chicken or fish.

Then both teams met and each shared briefly about their experience this past week and then Marc and Lisa shared their story and vision... It has been a full day and tomorrow we have a full clinic day. Sharon


  1. Hi Sharon and team!
    I have been devouring your blog posts regularly, but since it's mostly been via my phone I haven't commented as I've read. I can see that your team is an incredible group who is whole-heartedly committed to serving. What a beautiful thing that brings so much glory to Him. Thank you for posting so many great pictures too. I just love seeing how everything is and has changed. The new clinic is incredible and I am so excited that you guys have been able to be there for it's opening. I am envious. I really do wish I was there too.
    Just wondering if Myrtho is working with you guys? I just haven't noticed any pictures of her yet.
    Praying for strength and perseverance as you finish your last days there.
    Much love, Amber

  2. This blog is great, we check two to three times per night just to read the great stories and see the wonderful pictures (always biased to look for pictures of Tannis, Noah and Jeanette). We continue to pray for your safety, health and strength. Love Dan and Ben
